The current issues faced by independent retailers and small businesses // Campbell Crafts

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With everyone watching the news for updates on the political situation within the UK and Europe – it may not surprise you that it is directly affecting the small businesses. With the current climate being tricky, it is not hard to see how every week I am hearing about businesses shutting down, ceasing to trade and cutting prices to accommodate with higher and higher demand to sell things ‘cheap’ being put on us. 

We have recently reduced our prices to keep in line with this. We have been asked since we re-launched about ‘when is your sale’ or ‘why are you so expensive’. So, I thought I would give you some context: We make everything in the UK, we source all our fabrics from the UK, and it is a VERY small team of us running things. We are not a huge company, making or sourcing from China. People like the fact that we are a UK based company but when it comes down to prices tags – then not so much. The reality is it costs more to produce here, to source here and to trade here. Entry fees to selling at events have gone up and up, more and more traders are appearing doing similar things, it’s become almost impossible to be a ‘stand out’ brand. Then you have Etsy and Ebay putting selling fees up, customers expecting regular % off deals and free postage…you can see why businesses fold. 

 Many of us are trying to survive in this very difficult climate. We know you have options, lots and lots of options now, and we are so grateful that you continue to shop with us, but we would really appreciate if you spread the word, share on social media and get the message out that we exist, as not only do we have the political situations to contend with, Instagram and facebook have also made things tricky with their algorithm – meaning fewer and fewer people are seeing or are able to interact with posts…so in all it is a very tough climate right now. 

We love all our customers, and are very appreciative of your custom – 2019 has just begun, we will be attending a few events this year and we hope to see some of you there!!!!

Thank you 
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